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Mukilteo School District Use of School Facilities

Although the buildings and grounds of the Mukilteo School District are primarily for public school purposes, the District makes its facilities available to the community for appropriate activities. In the event of an emergency caused by war or natural disaster, buildings and other facilities may be made available for use in providing mass shelter and care of disaster victims. 

Authorization for use of school facilities shall not be considered as an endorsement of or approval of the activity, group, or organization nor of the purposes that they represent.

Group Activities

It is the School District’s intent that nonpaying groups using District facilities will open attendance to anyone whose interest is consistent with the purpose of the group.  Groups whose activities restrict participation in any way, such as religious organizations, issue-oriented groups, fraternal organizations, educational programs, and select athletic teams, will pay according to the rate schedule.

For purposes of determining a rate schedule, the District has established the following Users/Groups:

  • Mukilteo School District Sponsored Users. 

    The official programs and activities of the schools in the District receive first priority for use. This includes those groups or individuals that are officially formed or subject to control by the District such as site councils, PTAs, PTOs, ASB organizations, staff committees, task forces, and citizen advisory groups. These groups will be permitted to use the facilities without charge, unless special provisions are necessary.

  • MSD affiliated non-profit groups and non-profit local youth organizations. (Priorities #2a and 2b)

    Priority 2a

    Non-profit groups that are affiliated with the Mukilteo School District and whose purpose is to support the mission of the District, such as Booster Clubs, and School District Employee Groups (MEA, MACP, etc.)

    • Non-profit local youth organizations whose main purpose is to promote the welfare of youth within the District boundaries, such as the YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Little Leagues, Mukilteo Youth Soccer, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. These organizations must be open to all District students.
    • Non-profit individuals or programs that supplement the District’s instruction of students, such as art, world language and music classes.
    • Camps that are open only to Mukilteo School District students and that use volunteer coaches.

    Priority 2b

    • Youth activities and organizations that do not meet Priority 2a criteria but whose participants reside in the District, such as practices for AAU basketball groups and youth football. Games and tournaments for these groups will be classified as Group B activities.
  • Local service and civic organizations and youth activities that are not in Group A (Priority #3)

    • Groups/events whose main purpose is to promote the welfare of youth and/or adults of the local community, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis and area homeowners associations.
    • For-profit camps or student lessons for Mukilteo students, with salaried coaches or teachers.
    • Select team competitions.
    • Group A user tournaments that are open to non-MSD students.
  • Organizations or non-community groups whose activities do not directly support or supplement the District’s educational program. (Priority #4)

    • Examples include, but are not limited to, religious institutions, adult athletics, colleges, and governmental organizations.
  • Non-District sponsored or for-profit groups.(Priority #5)

    • Examples include organizations that charge an admission, political groups, businesses, and memorial services. 

    If more than one facility needs to be used, if the request is for use over an extended term, or if there are other special situations, the District reserves the right to waive the fee schedule and negotiate an agreement that is applicable to the circumstances. 

    In addition, the District will work cooperatively with municipal, governmental or nonprofit agencies to address their occasional facility needs. The Superintendent may waive limitations of this procedure for programs that have significant community impact. 

Facility Use Agreements

Applications allocating space for community use will generally be processed on a first-come basis after school programs have been scheduled, except that gymnasium and field use is scheduled seasonally for all groups, with Group A users receiving scheduling priority.  The facility use office will notify buildings of the field and gym assignments for their review. Space remaining after the seasonal assignments will then be awarded on a first-come basis, in order of the user group assignment.  Persons or groups without proper Facility Use Agreements will not be allowed to use any school facility. 

  • Event schedules will not be approved for any use which, in the judgment of the District:

    1. May in any way be prejudicial to the best interest of the schools or the educational system.
    2. Lacks satisfactory sponsorship or adequate adult supervision.
    3. Might result in undue damage or wear.
    4. Is not consistent with the use for which the space was designed. 

    Requests for use will not be granted for:

    • The sale of food and beverages by private businesses on school property during the school day.
    • The sale of food or beverages at Goddard Stadium during school events unless all of the proceeds generated are donated to the school or school booster clubs.
    • Wedding receptions and private parties.
    • Carwashes.
  • Community athletic programs that use District facilities shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex in the operation, conduct or administration of their program.

    Use of District facilities, equipment, and services will be restricted to those spaces and times that are specifically set forth in the Event Schedule. Use is limited to the stated purpose on the application. 

    Casual use of District outdoor facilities by individuals does not require a permit.  However, all organized use of District grounds must be covered by an approved and activated Event Schedule.

    A paid District employee must always be in the building during the facility use, except by special arrangement with the facility use office.  An administrator or custodian must be in charge of security and a custodial overtime fee will be assessed when it is appropriate.  Custodial overtime usually will begin ½ hour before the facility is to be used and extend ½ hour after the reservation, but more or less time may be required due to the nature of the event and the amount of cleanup required.

    Services provided by the custodian will consist only of unlocking and locking doors, operating lights, providing heat, setting up chairs, and normal cleanup.  Groups receiving free rentals are obligated to help the custodian in setting up and removing chairs, and to help with the general cleanup.

    Kitchen facilities and equipment are not to be used unless operated by a District Nutrition Services representative.  Food and beverages are allowed only in designated areas.

    Keys to buildings or facilities will not be issued to groups or individuals.

    Pianos, tables, chairs, desks, and other furniture and/or equipment are not to be moved from one room to another, except by prior written arrangement. Items such as athletic equipment, chairs, and tables will not be loaned nor rented for use off the school premises.

    Sports and activities that are normally engaged in the outdoors (such as baseball, softball, soccer, football), and any equipment designed for use in conjunction with outdoor activities will be restricted at all times to outdoor areas. Only proper indoor equipment can be used indoors.

    Standard approved gym shoes are required for all activity-type uses in the District’s gyms.  Users must not wear sport shoes that leave black marks on gym floors.  Proper attire shall be worn at all times.  Participants and officials must wear molded-sole shoes or tennis shoes on the artificial turf.

    Animals, with the exception of animals of assistance, are not allowed in School District facilities or on building grounds without special permission.

    Open flames, including candles, are not permitted.

    Applicants are required to remove at their expense any materials, equipment, furnishings, or rubbish left after the use of school facilities. 

    Plans for decorating must be approved in advance by the building administrator.  Users cannot use decorations that permanently alter the appearance of, or damage, the facility.

    It is unlawful for a person to carry onto public school premises, any firearm or other dangerous weapon, as defined by law. In addition, the possession of a firearm facsimile or any other object that can reasonably be considered a weapon is also prohibited on school property. This definition includes any weapon that will or is designed to expel a projectile by the action of any explosive, including but not limited to fireworks/crackers, paintball guns, airsoft guns and ammunition.

    Violators will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.

    Fire and safety regulations of the District, Snohomish County and Washington State shall be observed at all times. Capacity regulations must be strictly observed.

    Profane language, smoking, vaping or using tobacco is any form, possession of or use of alcohol, drugs or narcotics, boisterous conduct, betting or other forms of gambling, except for fund-raising events of the District parent-teacher organizations or student organizations, as permitted under state law, shall not be permitted on school premises.  Violators will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. 

  • One adult in charge and one lifeguard are required for groups of less than 51 persons.  One adult in charge and two lifeguards are required for groups of over 51 persons.  No more than 100 people may be in the pool at any given time.  The lifeguard(s) must be actively involved in "life guarding" at all times.

  • Application for facility use starts at the school building level. A decentralized process ensures that all school activities are calendared before facilities are made available for others to use.

    Who DOES NOT need a District level permit?

    • Group S users with events scheduled on school days.
    • School sponsored vendors selling school related merchandise during the school day or at school events. (ie. selling class rings during lunch).
    • Casual users.

    Who DOES need a District level permit?

    • Group S users whose use will require custodial services on a non-school day.
    • All other Users in Groups A - D. Users in these groups are permitted for all activities performed or contracted by their organization.  All intended activities should be listed on the Event Schedule Request. 

    Step-by-Step Process:

    • Applications are to be submitted online through School Dude. First time users can call the MSD Facility Use office at 425-356-1331 to be added as a requester, or can sign up by accessing the Community Use page
    • Schedule requests for gym and field use will be approved after seasonal team assignments have been made. Priority will be given in order of the user group.
    • Conflict resolution: In the event of a conflict, the competing groups will be asked to mutually work out an assignment of facility space.  If an amicable solution cannot be reached, the Executive Director of District Support Services will make the decision(s).
    • Once the facility use is approved at the school level, the event schedule request is sent for final approval and activation by the Facility Use office.  The user category and insurance compliance are reviewed, and custodial personnel are assigned when appropriate.
    • After the event, custodial reports may be provided for billing when fees are assessed (such as room fees, custodial wages, nutrition services wages).
    • Charges are invoiced after the event and are due 30 days from the invoice date.  Late fees will be assessed if payment is not received 30 days from invoice date.  The late fee will be calculated at 5% of invoice amount or $15.00, whichever is greater. Users will not be invoiced if their accumulated charges are less than $10 in a given month. 
    • Charges may be collected in advance at the discretion of the District.

    Every Event Schedule Request for facility use must state the general nature and purpose of the meeting or event under “Event Description.” Information about the proposed program must be furnished to the District if requested. The request must include the usage dates, times, facilities, equipment, and services requested, the organization requesting use, the supervisor (contact person) of the activity, and the name, email address, and phone number of the person requesting use.

    Private, non-profit youth sports organizations must provide a statement of compliance with the mandated policies for the management of concussions and head injuries as amended in RCW 4.24.660 and in RCW 28A.600.190 and the mandated policies for sudden cardiac arrest awareness as amended in RCW 28A.600.195. Access to school facilities will not be granted until all requirements are complete.

    Schedule Requests for use must be made at least ten working days in advance of the planned use.  Late requests may not be able to be processed, but if they are approved, a late application fee will be assessed.

    All facility requests must be signed by an authorized representative of the group applying for use.  The representative must be an adult, at least 21 years of age.

    All applicants for camps must complete the appropriate information sheet detailing revenues and expenses so that the facility use office can determine the appropriate user group classification. The form will be emailed to the contact person prior to the event.

    The heating and lighting provided for a rented facility shall be the same as that required for the facility’s normal usage.  The need for special lighting, heating, a piano, furniture and/or equipment, must be identified in the schedule request.

  • All groups or organizations using District facilities must provide an adult supervisor (age 21 or over).  Persons will not be admitted to the facility until the adult supervisor arrives.  The adult supervisor must remain with the group during use of the facilities and will be responsible for the group’s conformance with all the rules and regulations.

    Users must not tamper with or make adjustments to the heating, lighting, furnishings, or equipment in the facility.

    The use of the facilities must be completed and the premises completely vacated by the time that is listed on the Event Schedule. Use is limited to the stated purpose on the schedule.

    The individual named on the Event Schedule and the group in whose name the schedule is submitted must accept responsibility for any damage to District property.  If there is damage, the user will accept the District’s estimate of the cost for repair or replacement and will make payment promptly to the District.

    All users must leave school facilities in a clean and orderly condition, with all furniture in the same location that it was found.  Users will be charged if custodial or other labor is required to clean a facility.

  • An approved and activated facility use Event Schedule is not considered as a lease by the applicant and the District reserves the right to modify its policies at any time or to cancel or revoke any Event Schedule at any time when it deems such action advisable and in the best interest of the School District. 

    The District reserves the right to cancel non-school activities in favor of school activities whenever the two conflict.

    In the event of such cancelation or revocation, there can be no claim or right to damages or compensation by the user on account of any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever.

    If a District facility is closed due to weather conditions, equipment failure, holidays, vacation, teacher workdays, or any other reason, the events for the facility and day will be canceled without notification and must be rescheduled in the usual manner.

    Users who do not comply with the terms and conditions of the Use of School Facilities Document may have their permits canceled and may be denied future use of Mukilteo School District facilities.

  • In the event a group wishes to cancel the use of a facility, it must notify the District facility use office by email at least two working days in advance. Failure to do so will result in charges and/or cancelation of the Event Schedule. Date or time changes must be approved by the school office at least two working days in advance. Failure to do so will result in charges for the time scheduled or actual hours used, whichever is greater.

  • The user agrees to protect, indemnify, and save Mukilteo School District, its employees, directors, agents, or assigns harmless from all liability resulting from the use of school facilities.

    A certificate of insurance and endorsement shall be required for all activities that are not directly sponsored by the District. The user shall provide a certificate of insurance by an insurer satisfactory to the District prior to use of the facility.  This policy shall be primary and written with a minimum of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit per occurrence (RCW 4.24.660).

    The insurance certificate shall list the District as an additional named insured and shall provide for notification to the District in the event of cancellation or termination. Coverage shall also be drawn in favor of nearby property when required.

    A certificate of insurance and endorsement indicating coverage shall be received by the facility use office not less than seven business days prior to the scheduled use. 

    The requirement to provide insurance and the amount of the insurance required shall be applied at the discretion of the District administration and shall relate to the nature of the scheduled event or activity.

    All camps, except Group A camps that are considered school-sponsored, are required to obtain certificates of insurance.

  • The properly executed Facility Use Event Schedule is the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the parties relevant to the purpose therein and supersedes all prior Agreements or proposals, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties related to the subject matter of the Agreement.

    No modification of the Agreement will be binding on either party except as a written addendum signed by the authorized agent of both parties.

  • In addition to the rental charges listed below, all facility use is subject to custodian charges if required. Use of all indoor facilities, and some outdoor facilities, outside of normal custodial hours of operation will result in custodial fees in addition to the space rental fee. More than one custodian may be assigned depending on the nature of the event. Fees for custodial services will be determined annually in September and posted on the facility use website. Usually an additional ½ hour is charged for opening and closing, but more or less time may be required due to the nature of the event or the amount of cleanup required.












    $1.50/hr - *Sink Only







    $12/hr. -

    *Sink Only







    $24/hr. -

    *Sink Only







    $48/hr. -

    *Sink Only



    NOTE: Custodial coverage is typically provided without an additional fee Monday-Friday 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Use of school facilities outside these hours may result in custodial fees being assessed. Please verify whether this is the case, or not, before scheduling your facility use.

    *Use of kitchen equipment requires payment for a Nutrition Services employee in addition to the rental charge.  Fees for the Nutrition Services employee will be determined annually in September and posted on the facility use website.
    **An additional $40.00 per hour fee will be assessed for use of field lights. 
    ***An additional $200.00 per day fee will be assessed for use of aquatics scoreboard and timing equipment.

    New facility users are subject to a one time, $25 file establishment fee.

    It may not be possible to process late facility use requests which are not received by the facility use office at least ten working days prior to the scheduled use. Late requests that are approved will be assessed a $50 late application fee.