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Community Involvement

  • Parents and community members can volunteer to serve on a variety of advisory committees, help teachers or students, or assist in a school office. To ensure that there is a positive and respectful working and learning environment for students, the school district requires that volunteers read the district’s policies and procedures about child abuse and neglect prevention and about sexual harassment. Those documents can be found in multiple languages on the district’s volunteer website. Potential volunteers must review and complete the volunteer packet, including an authorization to conduct a background check through the Washington State Patrol. The signed forms must be submitted to the school office before the volunteer can begin their service to the school. For more information about any volunteer program, call your child’s school.

  • Residents of the school district who are 65 years of age or older can become members of the Gold Team and receive free admission to most athletic and performing arts events held in the district. Members also receive a newsletter called Gold Team News, which helps them stay informed about the schedule for school activities. Membership in the Gold Team is free. To register, call 425-356-1215.

  • Mukilteo Schools Foundation is a nonprofit organization, established in 1992, that raises money to support school projects and activities not funded by the school district. The Foundation offers grants for creative classroom projects, scholarships for students, and has undertaken other projects to benefit Mukilteo students. Contributions to the Mukilteo Schools Foundation are tax-deductible. For information, visit the Foundation's website.

  • The district regularly involves parent and community members in various committees and work groups. The Capital Bond Advisory Committee meets several times in the year before a proposed bond proposition to help develop recommendations for the bond.

    Three parents or guardians from each school are selected each year to join Key Communicators. They meet monthly through most of the school year to learn about different aspects of the school district and offer feedback and ideas about certain topics. If you are interested in participating in Key Communicators, talk with your school principal.

  • Parent and community input is critical to the success of the district. District staff who make decisions regarding services, the budget, curriculum, and other issues regularly engage parents and community members. Standing committees recommend general goals, guidelines, and standards in certain areas of the school district’s operation.

    Each year there are openings for parents and community members on these standing committees. The positions are filled through an election by constituent groups among the people who attend a online public meeting on Nov. 7, 2023, 6 to 7 p.m. Meeting details will be announced at a later time. During this year’s meeting, the school district will be looking for parents to fill these committee positions:

    • BUDGET COMMITTEE: The committee reviews and provides input to the superintendent regarding board and districtwide initiatives and preliminary budget recommendations. The committee meets twice a month from late January through early May. There is one opening with a two-year term.
    • RESEARCH AND ASSESSMENT: The committee reviews proposals for research conducted in the district for approval and makes recommendations regarding the school district’s assessment program. The committee meets four times a year, usually in the late afternoon in November, January, March, and May. There is one opening on the committee this year, with a two-year term.
    • STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The committee reviews and recommends revisions to the Exceptional Misconduct portion of Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook. It meets once a year, usually in May. There are two openings on the committee this year, with a two-year term.
    • INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: The committee receives recommended materials from each curriculum development committee and makes recommendations to the school board for adoption. The committee has meetings in the afternoon two or three times a year. There are three openings, with a three-year term.
    • SPECIAL PROGRAMS: The purpose of the committee is to foster communication and learn about the district’s multilingual education, intervention, highly capable, and special education programs and to provide input on annual applications and program evaluation efforts. The committee meets twice a year, usually in the late afternoon or evening. The committee is made up of parents, school staff, and administrators. There are five parents on the committee. There are no openings this year. 

    To serve on one of these committees, you must attend the meeting and be elected to the position by the other parents who attend that meeting. For more information, call 425-356-1220.