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School Attendance

Except as provided in RCW 28A.225.010, attendance in the schools of the State of Washington is compulsory from the age of 8 to the age of 18. [Board Policy 3122 and Procedures 3122-P]

All students enrolled in Mukilteo School District will attend all regularly scheduled classes to which they are assigned each day. Upon enrollment and at the beginning of each school year, the District shall inform students and their parents/guardians of this expectation, the benefits of regular school attendance, the consequences of truancy, the role and responsibility of the District in regard to truancy and resources available to assist the student and their parents/guardians in correcting truancy. The District will also make this information available online and will take reasonable steps to ensure parents/guardians can request and be provided such information in a language they can understand.

All Mukilteo School District schools have closed campuses during the school day.