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Decisions to Delay or Close Schools

How school delays and closures decisions are made

Facilities, Grounds, Custodial and Transportation teams monitor weather forecasts closely and create plans to address the specific weather situation. This may include protecting district building systems such as heating and plumbing in the event of freezing conditions, monitoring power outages affecting district buildings, or pro-actively treating district parking lots and walkways with de-icer in advance. When snow falls, grounds crews report to work early to begin plowing school bus and parent vehicle access loops and then parking lots. Meanwhile, custodians work hard to clear walkways. The limited staff do the best they can to address concerns, but there are times when the weather happens unpredictably or changes rapidly.

When snow falls, transportation staff assess road conditions by driving different areas throughout the district in the early morning hours. Weather and road conditions are assessed for safe bus travel and safe walking routes. Regional impacts are considered as many district staff commute from other areas. Recommendations are made with the District Support Services Executive Director, who then consults with the superintendent.

The superintendent makes a final decision on school operations for that day, typically by 5:30 a.m. Any decision to delay or close schools is communicated via ParentSquare, district websiteFlashAlert, television news, and district social media.

The decision is made this early to allow parents and staff enough time to plan their day, but sometimes weather systems are very unpredictable, especially early morning temperature changes just before sunrise. Sometimes, conditions can change right before school begins. If bad weather is in the forecast, grounds crews proactively prepare walkways the night before as best they can and report to work early on snowy or icy days to address any issues that may have happened during the night.

Conditions can vary widely throughout our district. You know your family’s situation best. If you feel it is not safe for your student to safely get to or from school because of weather or road conditions, please do what is best for your situation. Absences due to safety concerns may be excused.