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The Board expects staff to conduct all school programs and operations in a manner that recognizes the health and safety of students. Each staff member must be in the classroom or at any other assigned station at all times in support of student welfare and supervision or must make sure that another teacher is temporarily in charge. Each staff member shall be alert to any physical hazards that may exist in the facilities, program or schedule of their school and report them to the principal. All safety rules and hygienic standards in the educational and activity programs of the school shall be enforced.

[Board Policy 3400 and Procedures 3400-P]

  • In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the Board requires a student to present evidence of having been immunized.

    Immediately upon enrollment in the District a certificate of immunization status, distributed by the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), shall be completed by the student's parent/guardian. The certificate shall be made a part of the student's permanent record.

    Exemptions for religious reasons will be granted upon request of the parent/guardian.

    Prior to attendance at school, each child with a life-threatening health condition shall present a medication or treatment order addressing the condition. A life-threatening health condition means a condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order providing authority to a registered nurse and nursing plan are not in place. Following submission of the medication or treatment order, a nursing plan shall be developed.

    [Board Policy 3413]

  • If a student must receive medications during school hours or when the student is under the supervision of school officials, the following procedures must be followed: Only a staff member designated by the principal, who has been delegated to and trained by an RN, and who has successfully completed medication administration training can administer medication. The medication to be given at school must have a completed Medication Authorization Order form signed by the Licensed Healthcare Provider (LHCP) and the parent/guardian; and the medication must be in the original, properly labeled container, including any Over the Counter (OTC) medication and samples.

    [Board Policy 3416 and Procedures 3416-P]

  • State law provides that at certain ages, students attain the right to decide for themselves what records will remain confidential, even from their parents/guardians, and what activities the student will participate in. At age 18, students become legal adults and must approve any disclosure of information about themselves from school records, except directory information if a request for confidentiality has not been filed. Students at age 18 may also sign releases, authorizations or permission slips to participate in school activities, and may sign themselves out of school and authorize their own absences.

    Personal privacy is a fundamental aspect of individual liberty. All students possess the constitutional right to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. Staff will take particular care to respect students' privacy.

    School officials have authority to maintain order and discipline in the schools and to protect students from exposure to illegal drugs, weapons, and contraband. The Superintendent, the principal, and other staff designated by the Superintendent will have the authority to conduct reasonable searches on school property as provided by Board Policy 3230 and Procedures 3230-P.

  • Students in possession of telecommunications devices including but not limited to pagers, beepers, cellular phones, smart phones and other related personal electronic communication devices ("Telecommunication Devices") shall observe the District conditions.

    [Board Policy 3245]

  • It is the policy of the Board of Directors that the District maintains a safe learning environment while treating all students with dignity and respect. All students in the District will remain free from the unreasonable use of force.

    District staff may use reasonable force, restraint or isolation only when necessary to control spontaneous behavior that poses an imminent likelihood of serious harm to the acting student, to another person or to the property of others. District staff shall employ the least amount of force, restraint or isolation appropriate to protect the safety of students and staff and shall discontinue the use of force, restraint or isolation as soon as the likelihood of serious harm has dissipated.

    Physical force, restraint or isolation is reasonable when needed to prevent or minimize an imminent and substantial risk of bodily in­jury to self or others. If de-escalation interventions have failed or are inappropriate, reasonable physical or restraint force may be used to protect District property from substantial loss or damage.

    [Board Policy 3246 and Procedures 3246-P]