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Sixth Grade Required Courses

  • All schools, full year

    This class aligns with Washington state standards, including College and Career Readiness standards. Reading, writing, speaking, listening, language and collaborative strategies are used purposefully to build knowledge and skills as students become independent readers, writers and thinkers and progressively build the skills necessary for academic success in middle school. The primary goals of the course are to foster independent learning, encourage in-depth exploration of the content and develop academic habits of mind.

    Students will develop proficiency in composition, grammar, mechanics and usage in the writing process. Students will craft multiple pieces of narrative, argumentative and expository writing throughout the year. Comprehension, vocabulary and research skills are developed with thematic units drawn from multiple texts, novels and visual media. Students will analyze and evaluate what was read for the theme, authors’ craft effectiveness and purpose. Emphasis is placed on higher level thinking skills.

  • All schools, full year

    In addition to the standard course, there is an Honors English option in middle school. Most students are appropriately challenged by our
    standard English courses and are prepared to enter career and college pathways in high school, including Honors and Advanced Placement. Middle school honors courses cover materials in greater depth and classroom activities require increasingly complex thinking and problem solving. Students are expected to demonstrate increasing independence, creativity, and responsibility when completing work in these courses.

  • All schools, full year

    There are two levels of mathematics for sixth graders. Students can request sixth grade math or sixth grade advanced math. The goal of a math placement is for learners to be challenged, but not overly stressed. Students considering advanced math should understand the course is taught at a faster pace since it covers all sixth grade math standards and half of the seventh grade math standards in one school year.

    In both classes, instruction in mathematics will focus on four critical areas of the Common Core State Standards: (1) connecting ratio and
    rate to solve problems; (2) completing their understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.

    Students in sixth grade advanced math will also learn the first half of the seventh grade standards which include: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships and (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers.

    By requesting sixth grade advanced math, you are making a commitment for the full school year. Placement in sixth grade advanced math
    is not guaranteed. Final placement decisions are based on the number of classes available.

  • All schools, full year

    This class will follow Next Generation Science Standards for Systems, Inquiry, Application and Content. The sixth grade science curriculum focuses on four main content areas,all explored through scientific inquiry and engineering practices using multiple curriculum resources: (1) structure and function of organisms: unicellular and multicellular organisms, specialized functions and interconnectedness of organs and organ systems in the human body; (2) reproduction of organisms: how living things reproduce and care for their young; (3) energy in the atmosphere: weather and climate and the energy that drives the systems in the hydrosphere and atmosphere; (4) human impact on the environment: how human activity impacts land, water, the atmosphere and climate.

  • All schools, full year

    Students will apply the social studies skills of civics, economics, geography and history to the study of ancient civilizations (8000 BCE-
    600 CE). Students will practice reading, interpreting, and analyzing non-fiction information using textbooks, primary and secondary sources, and multimedia. They will apply these skills through writing, discussion, notetaking, and collaborative project-based learning activities.

  • Explorer MS and Harbour Pointe MS, full year; Olympic View MS and Voyager MS, 2 trimesters

    This class is designed to improve the student’s physical fitness level, brain function, motor skills, and social relationships. Students develop competence in many different sports and activities, emphasizing participation and enjoyment. Units focus on fitness, team and individual sports, leisure and recreational activities, dance and aerobic activities, strength training, and cooperative games. In total, this curriculum emphasizes fitness, movement, sport skills, and activities in a safe, creative environment. These diverse experiences foster healthy movement, promote a positive mindset, and introduce the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, goal setting, nutrition, self-concepts, and health risks. The health components focus on social and emotional wellness, as well as the state’s required materials for Comprehensive
    Sexual Health Education.

  • Only at Harbour Pointe MS, 1 trimester or full year

    Partner P.E. provides a unique opportunity for students with and without disabilities to come together through ongoing educational and physical activities. This class supports the development of leadership skills for all students as well as the empowerment of all students to foster an inclusive class and schoolwide environment. Students who register for this course should have a passion for physical education, helping others, creating positive relationships with all students, service, coaching/teaching, and developing their own leadership capacity. Students wishing to participate in a Partner P.E. class for one trimester or yearlong may select their preference to do so.

Sixth Grade Electives

  • All schools, 1 trimester

    Students will navigate the “building blocks” of art, called the Formal Elements, through drawing, painting, design/composition, digital media, and ceramics. Students use the design process to research, plan, create, revise, reflect, and self-evaluate. Art history and art expressions worldwide are introduced as a medium of communication, understanding, and reflection. An art process journal or portfolio may also be required, including daily drawing journal entries and a record of each unit’s progression.

  • All schools, full year

    Beginning Band is open to all sixth graders and no prior experience is needed. Students play a wind or percussion instrument as part of this class. Students participate in a number of performances during the school year. Home practice and participation in evening performances are both expected. Instruments are available for loan to students unable to purchase or rent.

  • All schools, full year

    Choir is open to all sixth graders. This course guides students through vocal music exploration, understanding and performance. Choir students learn to perform a variety of pop, rock, folk, and choral music. Home practice and participation in evening performances are expected. There is also an opportunity for students with experience on the piano to accompany the choir. Throughout the year the choir will perform for various occasions and events, potentially including choral festivals, community performances, and school functions and concerts.

  • All schools, full year

    Open to all sixth graders, no prior experience is needed. Orchestra students learn about a wide variety of music disciplines including technique, performance, music, history, cultures, theory, and ear training while learning to play a string instrument. Students participate in a number of performances during the school year. Home practice and participation in evening performances are both expected. Instruments are available for loan to students unable to purchase or rent.

  • Harbour Pointe MS, Olympic View MS and Voyager MS, 1 trimester

    Students will learn basic and current computer skills that are essential for middle schoolers, practicing the basic applications of Microsoft Office 365, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, OneDrive, Sway, and Google Slides. Students will also learn keyboarding skills, AI, and coding through online curriculum and building a game. Students learn how to access the district student information system to track assignments, grades, and homework. Internet safety will also be emphasized.

  • Harbour Pointe MS, full year; Olympic View MS, 1 trimester

    STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and hands-on approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. For example, in the first unit models and designs provide students with experiences that develop the concept of a scientific model and engage students in design and construction. Students will also use the Engineering Design Process to help people and solve problems in units such as Animal Prosthetics, Building Bridges, Rockets, and Environmental Concerns.

    The class also contains various challenges that push students to design and construct useful tools and technology in a hands-on approach. Students will often work in teams/groups and be expected to be active and engaged participants in class.

  • Harbour Pointe MS and Olympic View MS, 1 trimester

    Students will focus on skills that they will need as they transition to middle school and beyond. Students will learn about health and nutrition, along with skills in organization, interpersonal relationships, financial management, basic cooking, and leadership. A focus is also placed on 21st Century Skills as students begin to plan for career, college and beyond. Some of the 21st Century Skills include flexibility, adapting to change, managing goals and time, working independently, being self-directed learners, interacting effectively with others, working effectively in diverse teams and being responsible to others.

  • Explorer MS, Olympic View MS and Voyager MS, 1 trimester

    The class emphasizes what it takes to be a contributing member of a school community. Activities, projects, and lessons will emphasize the importance of building awareness in order to recognize their own needs and the needs of others. Students will learn both interpersonal skills and academic skills that will help them lead by example.

    This course is designed to provide sixth grade students with the skills and strategies they