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Community Engagement

Strategic Plan Overview

One way people participated in the development of the district’s strategic plan was by sharing their thoughts through a ThoughtExchange. Participants shared one or multiple thoughts in response to the question, “What are the most important skills and experiences our students need to prepare them for success in learning and life?” They viewed and rated other people’s thoughts. The exchange was available in over 50 languages. It was open to all students, staff, families, and community members. 

Top Themes From ThoughtExchange 1:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

We also conducted in-depth interviews with staff, students, families, and community partners who represent different populations, geographical regions, and perspectives from throughout the district. The responses provided rich and varied feedback about the district.

Themes From Interviews:

  • Trust, culture, respect
  • Distribution of resources
  • Family and community engagement and communication
  • Staff support and engagement
  • Student well-being and belonging
  • Value of diversity
  • Vision
  • Student opportunities and outcomes
  • Service and agility

In June 2022, we shared the initial draft goals and strategies with families and staff and collected feedback through a second ThoughtExchange. 

Top Themes From ThoughtExchange 2:

  • High-quality equitable learning opportunities
  • Physical and emotional safety
  • Districtwide alignment
  • Implementation of plan
  • Student-centered
  • Healing divides
  • Family engagement

In August of 2022, we invited families to share their experiences with us through family forums in English and Spanish. We'll hold more family forums in different languages in the near future. Nearly 150 parents and guardians attended the two family forums and shared about their experiences with the Mukilteo School District. 

Top Themes From Family Forums:

  • Safety and security
  • Teacher interactions
  • Family engagement
  • Aligning school and district communication tools
  • Access to high-quality instruction 
  • Preparation for students and families