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Emergency Communication


Each school has a plan for responding to emergencies and for providing information to parents. Please remember that communicating can become very difficult during an emergency. The school needs the emergency contact information (address and daytime phone number) of each parent or guardian as well as the phone numbers of two alternate emergency contacts. Be sure that your child's records are current and notify your child's school of any contact information changes. Telephone service may be unavailable for outgoing or incoming calls to your child’s school during an emergency. As a result, the school district will use all communication modes to contact families. We will also provide local radio and television stations with current information to share during an emergency.

Updates will also be made available as much as possible through regular communication processes. Those options include:

  • School district website announcements
  • Phone, text and email notices through the parent notification system
  • District Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts
  • Flash Alert and other text messaging services are offered by local TV and radio stations.