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The academic progress of ML students who have demonstrated English proficiency sufficient to exit services shall be monitored for a minimum of two years to ensure that:

Communication Procedures and Monitoring Frequency

A District Instructional Specialist will facilitate quarterly communication with content teachers to document information regarding an exited student’s academic performance and provide instructional support to teachers. The following information may be considered:

Cause for Potential Program Re-entry

If monitoring shows that a student is struggling in academic performance and/or English language skills, additional supports must be made available to the student. If an exited ML student is not progressing despite these additional supports, the student may be re-evaluated using a valid, reliable, and grade-appropriate assessment (e.g., WIDA Screener) to determine if the student should be provided additional ML program services (fewer than 1% of exited MLs). If a student re-enters the ML program, the district shall document the reasons and obtain consent from the student’s parent/guardian.


ESSA 3121(a)(5) requires reporting on the number and percentage of MLs meeting Washington Learning Standards for two years after students are no longer receiving ML program services. Data must include results on content assessments for English language arts and mathematics and be disaggregated by Multilingual Learners with disabilities. Data is also disaggregated by year after exit date (e.g., Transition Year 1, Year 2) to ensure that academic deficits incurred due to participation in a language assistance program are recouped. 

  • Students have not been prematurely exited.
  • Students are meeting challenging state standards.
  • Students are meaningfully participating in the standard instructional program comparable to their never-ML peers.
  • Performance on standardized district/state achievement tests
  • Grades in content area classes
  • Grade Point Average
  • Parent/guardian observations and/or feedback
  • Teacher observations
  • Meeting promotion and graduation requirements
  • Graduation rates