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Qualified Teachers

ML students receive language instruction and access to the general education curriculum by ML teachers who are certified and/or endorsed to teach ML students. ML teachers and related ML support staff will be provided ongoing professional learning opportunities to examine data and collaborate around evidence-based practices.

ML Support

Certified general education teachers and support staff shall be provided ongoing professional learning opportunities for the implementation of supports to provide equitable access to the general education curriculum for Multilingual Learners, including a focus on the WIDA Standards. While the district will offer some opportunities, school-based ML teachers may also opt to provide professional learning on site.

School administrators will receive annual professional learning on current evidence-based linguistically and culturally responsive practices and supervision of ML programs from the Director of Multilingual Education and Student Supports.

As funds become available, additional opportunities may arise for ML/Bilingual endorsement programs and/or specialized ML training (e.g., GLAD, SIOP).

District Instructional Specialist

A District ML Instructional Specialist shall provide professional learning and coaching support for ML and general education teachers. The Instructional Specialist shall engage in WIDA professional learning opportunities provided by the Washington Department of Education. 

A chart showing the relationship between availability to staff, staff time required, and the level of district support for ML programs.