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Volunteer Opportunities

The Mukilteo School District CTE Department is looking for partners to assist us in strengthening and growing our programs. If you are interested in any of the following roles please contact us:

  • Guest Speaker: Share career/industry/education insight with our students on opportunities within your sector. Our guest speakers can visit our rooms or speak via ZOOM. 
  • Program Advisory Member: All our teachers/classes are part of Program Advisory Committees. Our PACs meet three times per year to provide industry insight about the latest trends, equipment, etc. within the industry. This allows our programs to stay current and give our students the best possible learning experience. 
  • Host a Field Trip: Our classes are always looking for opportunities to visit sites that are relevant to their classes. If you own a business and are willing to host a field trip, let us know! 
  • Apprentiships/Internships/Job Shadows: If you own a local business and are interested, let us know. We have students who are eager to learn and participate.