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Where does the money go?

The Mukilteo School District has five separate operating budgets that are referred to as "Funds":

  • GENERAL FUND:  the main operating budget for the district and is used to account for the normal and recurring business operations of the school district. 
  • CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: to account for the acquisition, construction and renovation of buildings and capital technology implementations.
  • DEBT SERVICE FUND: only used to pay for long-term debt associated with authorized construction bonds
  • ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY FUND:  for optional non-credit extracurricular activities run and led by students
  • TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE FUND: for the purchase of yellow school buses

Almost all salaries and benefits are paid from the General Fund budget, as is the cost of textbooks, classroom supplies, the electricity and gas bills, school sports teams, diesel fuel for school buses, and copy machines. 

General Fund

There are three different ways to look at how that money is being allocated:

  • by OBJECTS: What does the money buy? Examples: salaries, benefits, purchased services, or materials and supplies

  • by ACTIVITIES: Which activity does the money support? Examples: teaching, administration, custodial, maintenance

  • by PROGRAMS: In which program is the money being spent? Examples: regular instruction, special education, career and technical education, compensatory education


  • Certificated salaries and benefits - the cost for employees such as teachers, principals, counselors, librarians, etc
    • 63.8%
  • Classified salaries and benefits - the cost for employees such as paraeducators, office staff, custodians, maintenance, bus drivers, food service, security, technology staff, etc
    • 23.7%
  • Supplies - tangible items that are purchased, example: custodial supplies, pencils, food product for food services
    • 5.0%
  • Services - when companies are called to perform work that is not conducted by district employees, example: a heating and ventilation company coming out to perform work on a school heating system 
    • 7.4%
  • Travel - the costs for travel associated with district business, example: paying for transportation for an employee to go to a training hosted outside of the district 
    • 0.04%
  • Capitalized equipment - tangible equipment that has a useful life more than one year and a cost greater than $5,000, example: a maintenance vehicle  
    • 0.1%


  • Administration - activities related to the general direction, regulation, and control of the affairs of the school district that are organization wide
    • 1.8%
  • Instruction and instructional support - activities dealing directly with or aiding in the teaching of students or improving the quality of teaching
    • 82.9%
  • School food services - activities related to preparation and serving of meals for students
    • 2.6%
  • Pupil transportation - activities taking place to transport students to and from school for instruction
    • 3.2%
  • Maintenance and operation - activities concerned with keeping the grounds, buildings, and equipment in an efficient working condition and comfortable and safe for use.
    • 7.2%
  • Other services - activities related to information systems, printing, warehousing and distribution and motor pool. 
    • 2.2%
  • Public activities - activities related to community-wide activities provided by the school district 
    • less than .1%


  • Regular instruction - expenditures to provide a free appropriate kindergarten through twelfth grade public education to students
    • 52.9%
  • Federal special purpose funding - expenditures for specific federal aid packages passed to provide relief services to education systems
    • less than .1%
  • Special education instruction - expenditures for the education of eligible special education students receiving specially designed instruction in accordance with a properly formulated individualized education program (IEP) 
    • 16.6%
  • Vocational education and skill center instruction - expenditures incurred for operating vocational education programs in secondary schools and skill centers
    • 4.5%
  • Compensatory education instruction - expenditures for programs designed to assist student participation in regular instruction programs
    • 6.9%
  • Other instructional programs - expenditure for instructional programs not falling in a category above, example: supplemental services for the benefit of highly capable students, Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP), etc
    • 2.1%
  • Community services - expenditures for operating programs primarily for the benefit of the whole community or some segment of the community 
    • less than .1%
  • Support services - expenditures for activities to accomplish objectives that support the educational programs of the district, examples: administration, school food services, pupil transportation, maintenance and operations, and other services 
    • 16.9%