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General Information

Age Eligibility
  • Children must be age 4 or 3 by August 31st of the school year. First priority for enrollment will be given to children who are four years old.          
FREE ECEAP Preschool (160 slots)
  • Enrollment into ECEAP is based on a prioritization system that includes age, income and various risk factors.  Families will be contacted for an application interview to ensure all prioritization points are given.
  • All children enrolled in ECEAP must have complete immunizations, a medical exam and a dental exam.   
How to Request an Application
  1. Calling us at 425-356-1312
  2. Stopping by our office - 3616 South Rd C4, Mukilteo, WA 98275
  3. Requesting an application by email
  4. Downloading and mailing the forms under the Enrollment Folder