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Zoom Session Instructions

Browse these resources to help you with Zoom

To join from a Chromebook or computer without Zoom:

In this case you will join the meeting from your internet browser.

 On the launch screen, click start from your browser.

Image showing the 'start from browser' link

Enter your first and last name.

It is important to use your full name so your teacher will recognize you to add you to the meeting.

If prompted, enter your meeting password.

Image of the Join a Meeting pop up      

  1. Make a note of the meeting password.
  2. Click on the Zoom link provided by the meeting organizer. It will start with

To join from a laptop or computer with Zoom installed:

  1. Make a note of the meeting password.
  2. Click on the Zoom link provided by the meeting organizer. It will start with

  Note- if you share your computer with another student, you should uncheck the box next to “Remember my name for future meetings”.

An image of the enter your name pop up window


Entering a Zoom Meeting

Image of the 'meeting not started' message
 If you see this message, you may be early.  Be patient and wait for your host to start the meeting.

Image of the waiting room message.

This message is displayed when you are in the waiting room.   The host will let you into the meeting after they verify you should be there.  

An image of the audio pop up window.

You will then be prompted how you wish to join your audio. If you wish to join audio via the telephone, follow the instructions further down, otherwise simply select Join Computer by Audio.

TIP: by ticking the “Automatically join audio by computer…” option box first, you won’t get prompted again in the future

During a  Zoom Meeting

Audio only

It is possible that during the conference participants will be asked to turn off their cameras and move to audio only, particularly if there are problems with the available bandwidth, or to focus attention on the speaker.

Image of audio and video controls

To do this simply click on the camera icon at the bottom of the Zoom window.

Raising Your Hand

As the non-speaker if you wish to ask a question or make a point during a meeting it is good protocol to use the ‘Raise Hand’ facility.

Image of the participants button.

If the tool bar is not showing at the bottom of the Zoom window, place your cursor over the Zoom window so it appears and select the ‘Participants’ icon.

A window listing other participants will appear, there is also a ‘Raise Hand’ icon, click the icon to make it known to the Host that you would like to raise your hand.

An image of the raise hand button

If you wish to lower your hand, click the ‘Lower hand’ icon that will have replaced the ‘Raise hand’ icon.

 An image of the lower hand button

Using Chat

You can use the ‘Chat’ facility to send text chat to all participants or privately to the host only.

Click on the ‘Chat’ icon in the tool bar, again hover your mouse over the Zoom window if you can’t see the tool bar.

An image of the chat button

A chat window will then open. Select ‘Everyone’ or the name of your host to send a chat message.

An image of the zoom chat panel

Language Interpretation

Audio only

Depending on the meeting or webinar, language interpretation may be available. Once turned on attendees can choose a language channel if an interpreter is assigned.