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School Transfers Home

In-District Attendance Area Transfers

Each student in the district is required to attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which he or she resides.

A parent or guardian may request that his or her child be allowed to attend another school in the district. Transfer requests must be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Student Services.


Choice Transfers (out of school district transfer request)

Admission of Nonresident Student

A nonresident student is a student that resdies/lives outside of the school district in which they wish to attend, or continues to attend. Applicants for admission to the Mukilteo School District must apply for a Choice Transfer Release Request from the district in which they live, and include a full explanation of conditions warranting consideration for admission and appropriate documentation. The releasing district will submit the request to the Mukilteo School District through the Choice Transfer OSPI electronic submission system. Requests for schools at full capacity, as designated by the Superintendent, will not be considered.

If the Transfer Request is approved, the parent/guardian(s) will be responsible for transportation and must ensure prompt and regular attendance by their child in accordance with compulsory attendance laws and District policies.

A Choice Transfer Request can be submitted through the Choice Transfer Request Portal, the online form submission tool used by most school districts within Washington State.

Release of a Resident Student to a School District other than Mukilteo

A parent/guardian shall request the release of their child by completing a Choice Transfer Request through the Choice Transfer Request Portal, the online form submission tool used by most school districts within Washington State. A Choice Transfer Release Request needs to be made when a student wants to attend a school outside of the school district where the student resides/lives, even if they are already attending the school. For a Choice Transfer Release Request, the parent must submit a request through the Choice Transfer Request Portal, then the resident district will determine whether or not to release the student. If it is determined to release the student, the resident district will submit the request to the requested district. Then it is up to the requested district to determine acceptance or denial to the school requested. As each of these steps are completed, the parent/guardian will receive e-mails to the e-mail address provided in the request.



In-District Transfer Requests

We begin accepting requests for the upcoming school year the first student day in January at 8am PST.

Decisions on transfers are made in September, through the 7th day of school.

Out-of-District Choice Transfer Requests

For the upcoming school year:

New requests (including grade breaks going from Pathfinder to 1st grade, 5th to 6th grade or 8th to 9th grade) we begin accepting requests August 1st.

Returning (or current students, not at a grade break) AND employee requests, we begin accepting March 1st.

Per OSPI guidelines, the district has 45 days once we receive the transfer request to respond.